EXP Local with DEAR WORLD in LA
Natalie laughed about death.
Ebenezer cried to feel more like a man.
Courtney wore red to the event for a reason.
Dear World is a marvelous experience that helps people share their honest stories.
Founder Robert Fogarty and his team take participants through a refined five-step journey of human exploration and connection which ends in a beautiful portrait of one's life.
EXP brought together some of our curious experience economy pioneers in Los Angeles to experience Dear World including Courtney Nichols, CEO of Disco Dining Club; Frank Warren, CEO of Post Secret; Gregory Alexander, founder of A Club Called Rhonda; and Anna Bulbrook, founder of Girlschool.
The group knew they'd get their portrait taken, but they didn't expect to come out with a new best friend. In one of the steps, the group breaks into pairs of two for an active listening session that crystallizes the story and bonds the experience in a safe moment of sharing.
The Dear World experience brings out authenticity in everyone, and we highly recommend it as a transformational activity for teams and strangers alike. Write izzy@dearworld.com to set something up, she's the best!
Thanks so much to Dear World, Nomadica Wine, Health-Ade Kombucha and 100yea.rs for partnering with us on this event!